SQL Data Types And Operations
SQL Data Types:-
Data types are used to represent the nature of the data that can be stored in the database table. For example, in a particular column of a table, if we want to store a string type of data then we will have to declare a string data type of this column.
Data types mainly classified into three categories for every database.
String Data types
Numeric Data types
Date and time Data types
SQL Data Type is an attribute that specifies the type of data of any object. Each column, variable and expression has a related data type in SQL. You can use these data types while creating your tables. You can choose a data type for a table column based on your requirement.
SQL Server offers six categories of data types for your use which are listed below −
Exact Numeric Data Types
bigint | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 | 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
int | -2,147,483,648 | 2,147,483,647 |
smallint | -32,768 | 32,767 |
tinyint | 0 | 255 |
bit | 0 | 1 |
decimal | -10^38 +1 | 10^38 -1 |
numeric | -10^38 +1 | 10^38 -1 |
money | -922,337,203,685,477.5808 | +922,337,203,685,477.5807 |
smallmoney | -214,748.3648 | +214,748.3647 |
Approximate Numeric Data Types
float | -1.79E + 308 | 1.79E + 308 |
real | -3.40E + 38 | 3.40E + 38 |
Date and Time Data Types
datetime | Jan 1, 1753 | Dec 31, 9999 |
smalldatetime | Jan 1, 1900 | Jun 6, 2079 |
date | Stores a date like June 30, 1991 | |
time | Stores a time of day like 12:30 P.M. |
Note − Here, datetime has 3.33 milliseconds accuracy where as smalldatetime has 1 minute accuracy.
Character Strings Data Types
Sr.No. | DATA TYPE & Description |
1 | char Maximum length of 8,000 characters.( Fixed length non-Unicode characters) |
2 | varchar Maximum of 8,000 characters.(Variable-length non-Unicode data). |
3 | varchar(max) Maximum length of 2E + 31 characters, Variable-length non-Unicode data (SQL Server 2005 only). |
4 | text Variable-length non-Unicode data with a maximum length of 2,147,483,647 characters. |
Unicode Character Strings Data Types
Sr.No. | DATA TYPE & Description |
1 | nchar Maximum length of 4,000 characters.( Fixed length Unicode) |
2 | nvarchar Maximum length of 4,000 characters.(Variable length Unicode) |
3 | nvarchar(max) Maximum length of 2E + 31 characters (SQL Server 2005 only).( Variable length Unicode) |
4 | ntext Maximum length of 1,073,741,823 characters. ( Variable length Unicode ) |
Binary Data Types
Sr.No. | DATA TYPE & Description |
1 | binary Maximum length of 8,000 bytes(Fixed-length binary data ) |
2 | varbinary Maximum length of 8,000 bytes.(Variable length binary data) |
3 | varbinary(max) Maximum length of 2E + 31 bytes (SQL Server 2005 only). ( Variable length Binary data) |
4 | image Maximum length of 2,147,483,647 bytes. ( Variable length Binary Data) |
Misc Data Types
Sr.No. | DATA TYPE & Description |
1 | sql_variant Stores values of various SQL Server-supported data types, except text, ntext, and timestamp. |
2 | timestamp Stores a database-wide unique number that gets updated every time a row gets updated |
3 | uniqueidentifier Stores a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
4 | xml Stores XML data. You can store xml instances in a column or a variable (SQL Server 2005 only). |
5 | cursor Reference to a cursor object |
6 | table Stores a result set for later processing |
SQL Operators
Operator | Description |
+ - * / % |
Add Subtract Multiply Divide Modulo |
SQL Bitwise Operators
Operator | Description |
& | ^ |
Bitwise ANDSubtract Bitwise OR Bitwise exclusive OR |
SQL Comparison Operators
Operator | Description |
= > < >= <= <> |
Equal to Subtract Greater thanDivide Less than Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to Not equal to- |
SQL Compound Operators
Operator | Description |
+= -= *= /= %= &= ^-= |*= |
Add equals Subtract equals Multiply equals Divide equals Modulo equals Bitwise AND equals Bitwise exclusive equals Bitwise OR equals |
SQL Logical Operators
Operator | Description |
TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND is TRUE TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions TRUE if the operand matches a pattern Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition |